FREE introductory Masterclass Tuesday 3rd August
Tango Music Fundamentals - FREE introductory Masterclass by Mariano Laplume & Marisol Canessa
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 3rd August 7.30 pm Central Europe Time ***FREE Tango Music Fundamentals introductory Masterclass*** -By Mariano Laplume & Marisol Canessa- Former violinists of SEXTETO MILONGUERO. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhythmic Base + Expressive Elements in Tango Music. (Short FREE version) About the Masterclass: We'll explore and explain the 'Rhythmic Base Patterns' and Expressive Elements used by musicians, composers and conductors in Argentine Tango. These patterns are fundamental to the constitution of the genre. With musical examples from the “Golden Age” era of tango (and beyond) plus live intervention of proffesional musicians, Mariano will show the different kinds of musical and Stylistic elements plus the 'evolution' of these elements in the different styles and orchestras. About Mariano Laplume: Professional Tango Musician & Dancer Prior to being a professional tango dancer, Mariano had a very exciting and successful career as a musician. He had the talent and good fortune to play first as a violist then violinist in: - The Academic Orchestra of Teatro Colon of Buenos Aires (Classical Music) - Orchestra Tipica Imperial (Tango) - Orchestra of Tango Styles of the National Academy of Tango - after which he cofounded and became very well know as the energetic violinist of the internationally renowned and much loved SEXTETO MILONGUERO. During his career as a Tango Musician, Mariano has played in more than 60 milongas, festivals & concerts in Buenos Aires/Argentina and over 100 more around the world. As a dancer he and his partner, Maral Kojayan, set up a tango school and milonga(Tango Garden) in London, UK from 2012. They recently moved to Rotterdam, NL and are teaching @ Cuartito Azul, (Rotterdam,NL) and Check2Cheek(Amersfoort,NL) while working as Dj and spreading his love of tango music with his Music Tango Seminars in diferent cities of Europe. Mariano is also a fully qualified Alexander Technique Teacher, he trained between 2013-15 at the Constructive Teaching Centre in London (the oldest and most prestigious Alexander Technique school worldwide) This Introductory Masterclass will last 1 hour and it will be an intro for the 2 FULL lenght Fundamentals of 2 hours each, In the weeks after this class. Cost: FREE - Be aware that this is a short introductory Masterclass that will be followed by 2 extended versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As a former Sexteto Milonguero musician and actual tango dancer and teacher We've created a Tango Music Seminar to teach the fundaments of tango music theory from the perspective of a musician(and dancer) applied to the milongueros.
We share a lot of information that musicians are familiar with , but tested to not to be too technical for non-musicians and milongueros, and because of that, more undestandable and aplicable to their dance. Mariano & Marisol have been teaching it in person around Europe, like London,UK Reading,UK Rotterdam,NL Amersfoort, NL The Hague,NL , Malaga, SP. "It was great to hear the tango music and different aspects of it explained by a professional musician! It should almost be compulsory for everyone in London Tango"
"This was an excellent eye opener... essential knowledge" "very informative, good humoured and insightful..." "Really useful insights into the styles... it has unlocked some ways to put more expression into each dance" "Now I know better what to listen for..." |